
Giving Advice

Q5. What might be the advantages of being nice to your neighbours?   Click on FOUR relevant answers. Friendly atmosphere Yes, having a positive vibe with neighbours can be good. Good teamwork Yes, helping neighbours with a project like paining a fence, can be easier and faster. Less traffic Not really. Extra support Correct, a …

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Q4. What might happen if someone dressed up as a superhero to fight crime?   Click on TWO answers you agree with the most. They will get beaten up Yes, they may put themselves in dangerous situations without the right training or safety equipment. They will be laughed at Correct, some people may find someone …

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Q3. What reasons might adults angrily shout at other adults?   Click on TWO reasons you agree with the most. Personal problems Yes, they may be suffering from other things in their life. Built up frustration Correct, what seems like trivial things, could add up to a big explosion of anger. Uncontrollable anger That’s right, …

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Q2. What might someone do to help their partner stop snoring?   Click on TWO answers you agree with the most. Get them to see a GP Yes, a doctor may be able to prescribe a solution. Roll them over Correct, sometimes a change of sleeping position may reduce the snoring. Encourage them to change …

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New Neighbours

Q1. Why might a new pet kitten hide under the sofa when it first arrives?   Click on TWO answers you agree with the most. Shy Yes, a new kitten may feel intimidated by its new surroundings. It’s not sure who to trust Correct, at least until the kitten realises that it is safe with …

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