Learner Feedback Now for the easy bit! We need your help to make this course even better. Please leave us your HONEST feedback here. Thanks.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Are you a professional delivering training or independent learner?ProfessionalLearnerPlease indicate which course/s have you used. If more than one, please select all that apply. *Employability SkillsAccommodation SkillsSex and Healthy RelationshipsBuilding Resilience (CopeHappy)We'd like to understand a bit about the device you used to complete the course. If you used multiple devices, please select accordingly. *MAC Laptop or Desktop ComputerWindows Laptop or Desktop ComputerApple iPad TabletWindows TabletAndroid TabletiPhoneAndroid PhoneWindows PhonePlease tell us which web browser you used. If you used multiple browsers, please select all that apply. *Google ChromeApple SafariWindows Internet Explorer / EdgeFirefoxOtherDon't knowCourse Rating Selected Value: 5 On a scale of 1 - 10, where 1 is extremely poor and 10 is excellent, how would you rate your overall course experience? Content Selected Value: 5 On a scale of 1 - 10, where 1 is extremely poor and 10 is excellent, how useful was the content for someone new to the working environment?Is there anything about the content of the course that could be adapted to help with learning? Navigation Selected Value: 5 On a scale of 1 - 10, where 1 is extremely difficult and 10 is extremely easy, how easy was it to navigate through the course website, content and assessment?Is there anything about the course navigation that could be adapted to help with learning? Recommendation Selected Value: 5 On a scale of 1 - 10, where 1 is extremely unlikely and 10 is extremely likely, how likely are you to recommend this course for a young person you know?Any other general feedback?PhoneSubmit