
Giving Advice

Q5. Where might an expecting parent find up-to-date information on having a healthy pregnancy?   Click on TWO places you agree with the most. Internet Yes, probably the widest range of information will be on the web. TV Yes, some TV shows can be beneficial and visual. Swimming pool Not Really. Courses Correct, expecting parent/s …

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Q4. What might the term pro-choice mean?   Click on TWO  meanings you agree with the most. Women having the choice to have an abortion. Yes, in Great Briton, women can legally choose to have an abortion before 24 weeks of pregnancy. Women’s right to control what happens to their own bodies Correct, having this …

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Healthy Choices

Q3. Why might someone want to have a baby?   Click on TWO reasons you agree with the most. To start a family Yes, a couple may want someone to carry on the family name and values. To extend the family Correct, some couples love babies and small children. To share an extra life with …

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The Cycle

Q2. How regular might a menstrual menstrual cycle be?   Click on TWO  answers you agree with the most. Very regular Yes, some menstrual cycles can be very regular. Very irregular Correct, some menstrual cycles can be very irregular. In between That’s right, some menstrual cycles can be both regular and irregular. Other You can …

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Birth Control

Q1. Why might someone use contraception?   Click on TWO  answers you agree with the most. To try and avoid pregnancy Yes, some are more effective than others. To try to avoid a Sexual Transmitted Infection (STI) Correct, condoms are a good example for that. For fun That’s right, some condoms are designed to be …

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