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Employability Course & Assessment - Pre Employment


Course Overview

Young people can find it difficult to secure employment, and to prove to an employer that they are job-ready. The ECA allows young people to show an employer that they are prepared to work and have a good understanding of what is expected of them in the workplace.

The ECA gives that extra edge by clearly demonstrating what an employer is looking for in a top employee. These are not skills normally taught in schools or universities and can be sometimes seen as qualities more important than even academic success. Young people and employers can be assured that the skills learned on the ECA, will increase their productivity and effectiveness.

Who is the ECA aimed at?

 Young people who are:

  • Looking for employment or apprenticeships
  • New employees or trainees
  • Trying to improve their skills and confidence in preparing for work
  • Finding it difficult to uphold or keep employment

Training Breakdown

The course covers 8 sections, with multiple-choice questions throughout and a final assessment at the end. It can be completed within one sitting or paced over a number of hours/days as part of a broader learning experience. The training entails discussion, thought provoking choice options and specially designed scenarios.  As with all iCompassUK courses, it is web based, engaging and can be tutor lead. All assessments should be done individually.

For more detailed instructions, click on the relevant Instructions button below. To see lesson content and begin the training, select the lesson below. You must complete the assessment to gain full credit.

Learner Reviews

  • “The ECA has been the exact training we have been looking for to give all our new employees”. (Manager)
  • “I really understand now what an employer wants”. (Student)
  • “This is the first certificate I have gotten in a long while, thank you”. (Student)
  • “This course has really helped me to kick start my career”. (Student)