Building Resilience (CopeHappy)

Course Overview
Our perceptions of the world may be unique but some young people have trouble with managing their thoughts and emotions, and this can often lead to a negative impact on their mental health. Our CopeHappy course, aims to explore a range of common thought patterns that some young people may struggle with and helps them realise they are more in control than they think.
Our experienced trainers deliver that extra edge by clearly articulating and exploring common thought patterns with the young person and demonstrating what approaches they can take. These are not skills normally taught in schools or universities and can be more important to a young person’s wellbeing than even academic success.
NB: The content of this course, is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a mental health professional or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a raised concern.
Training Breakdown
The course covers 8 core sections, with interactive questions throughout. The course can be delivered in its entirety or the sections tailored to fit the specific needs of a young person, a school programme or care setting. The training can be on-site or virtual and entails discussion, thought provoking choice options and specially designed scenarios. As with all iCompassUK courses, content delivery is web based, engaging and led by expert tutors.