Learner Instructions

Part 1
- Read the top question and go through all the options on the right to see which ones you agree with the most. Think about your reasons before clicking on them. Feel free to check all the options before choosing your top ones.

Part 2
- Read the Case Study and before revealing why the below three responses are incorrect, think about your own reasons why they are not preferred. The 4th flip box is the suggested answer. Try and think of the answer yourself before seeing what is suggested.

Part 3
- Each topic has five sections. After the 5th section is complete, navigate to that topic’s quiz tab and complete 4 quiz questions to reinforce learning, before moving on. A pass certificate can be printed out if 80% or over is reached by the end of the course.

Part 4
- In the Course options, you can choose to attempt the full 40 question Employability Assessment as a standalone, to assess your level prior to completing the course; 80% or more must be achieved for a pass.